Trastuzumab Modified Barium Ferrite Magnetic Nanoparticles Labeled with Radium-223: A New Potential Radiobioconjugate for Alpha Radioimmunotherapy

Weronika Gawęda Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology,

Marek Pruszyński Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw,

Edyta Cędrowska Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology,

Magdalena Rodak Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, uczestniczka projektu RadFarm,

Agnieszka Majkowska-Pilip Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology,

Damian Gaweł Department of Immunohematology, Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education,

Frank Bruchertseifer European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Directorate for Nuclear Safety and Security,

Alfred Morgenstern European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Directorate for Nuclear Safety and Security,

Aleksander Bilewicz  Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology,


National Science Centre (NCN) grant number UMO-2016/21/B/ST4/02133 (OPUS) and grant number 2015/17/N/ST4/03943 (Preludium).

The project of scientific exchange was co-financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange number PPN/BCZ/2019/1/00028/U/00001.

The contribution of Magdalena Rodak was realized within Project No. POWR.03.02.00-00-I009/17-00 (Operational Project Knowledge Education Development 2014–2020 co-financed by European Social Fund).

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